Where should I file for divorce in Michigan?
As people worldwide welcome in the New Year, many couples will decide to call it quits. Every year, divorce filings peak in January. Whether it is linked to New Year’s resolutions or the post-Christmas lull that gives many time to reflect, divorce attorneys across the country will find themselves with new clients come January. Google Trends data further confirms the New Year divorce spike, showing divorce as one of the most popular searches this month. Our Michigan family law attorneys explore the New Year’s divorce peak and some important facts you should know if you are considering filing for divorce.
The “Divorce Month”
January is known as the “divorce month.” During this month, divorce rates increase by one-third in many regions. This increased divorce trend continues for the first few months of the year, ending in early March. There are several factors that influence this annual trend. First, the sharp rise in divorce filings correlates with the coldest months of the year, in which many are forced inside. More time together during the winter weather and holidays could bring marital issues to a head. Further, many unhappy couples have been considering divorce for some time, but wanted to make it through the holidays. Once the holidays have past, divorce becomes imminent.
For couples in marital discord, divorce may be a first step towards a happier future. As such, couples contemplating divorce should use the New Year to find out their legal rights and initiate the process, if they so elect. Potential Michigan divorce filers should review some facts below to get started with their divorce.
Filing for Divorce in Michigan
To file for divorce in Michigan, you will need to meet the residency requirements. To be considered a Michigan resident with standing to file, one of you must live in the state for at least six months. You will want to file in the county in which you or your spouse lives. Divorcing spouses should consult with an attorney right away to find out their rights when it comes to vital issues like property division, child custody, child support, and alimony. With effective legal assistance, you can obtain your fresh start this New Year.