Many spouses decide to get divorced because they can no longer get along or agree on important matters. However, part of the divorce process is resolving important issues such as property division and child custody. Many spouses simply cannot reach an agreement on their own, but they do not want to put the power into the hands of the court. In this situation, mediation might be a helpful solution.
Divorce mediation is an alternative dispute resolution process in which parties attend sessions with a third-party mediator, who is a neutral party and is not representing either spouse. The mediator assesses the options and arguments of each spouse regarding issues that might be a sticking point in the divorce process, and then works to facilitate compromise. In many cases, spouses are able to reach an agreement that is mutually agreeable without the need for court intervention.
Should You Consider Mediation?
Many people believe you should be able to agree before you enter mediation, so they might not think that mediation will work in their case. However, if you are already in agreement on all the relevant issues in your divorce, there would be no need for mediation in the first place. Spouses who enter mediation inherently do not agree on certain matters, so this should not deter you from considering the process.
Unless your spouse is abusive or is refusing to be reasonable whatsoever, it might be worth it to discuss the possibility of mediation with your divorce lawyer.
Discuss Your Options with a Divorce Lawyer in Southfield, MI
At McGuigan Law, PLLC, we represent clients while they participate in mediation and ensure their rights are protected. If you are getting divorced and need representation from a Southfield divorce attorney you can trust, contact us online or call 248.356.9100 today.